August 04, 2011

:-( damn!

I almost haven't slept last night because of anger
and frustration; the package with the textiles for
the exhibition at MR KITLY got lost in the post,
at least, it hasn't arrived yet!
I also feel very sorry for Dell who curated
this exhibition and has put a lot of energy and love in this
project to get everything done.
So I just wanted to say this: Taxipost EMS international
really sucks, I'm sorry :(

There will be a catalogue available during the exhibition
and online soon!



  1. fingers crossed... dit is heeeeeel erg!

  2. inderdaad vreselijk moet dat zijn

  3. oh neee ! ik hoop dat het nog terecht komt !

  4. wat?....
    nee, dat kan toch niet
    dat mag toch niet
    ik zal duimen!!

  5. Oh no!!! That's terrible news. I also read that Julie's pieces couldn't be shipped for some reason so they wouldn't be in the show. I hope the pieces turn up very soon!

  6. #@??XX!!#@#!!!

  7. yes, fingers crossed it's only been delayed by customs maybe. what a stress.

  8. That really sucks Renilde - I'm sorry to hear that's happened. I think the post to Australia is reeeaally slow at the moment - I ordered a poster from Kerry at Seventy Tree and it took a whole MONTH to get here! I hope your parcel goes quicker than that. Good luck! Kx

  9. damn.. inderdaad.....
    ik hoop toch nog dat het aankomt...

  10. i went to see the exhibition and was wondering why i couldn't see your pieces. that is so incredibly disappointing for you. if they arrive and add them to the exhibition i will go back.

  11. What goed around comes around even by "taxicab"
    to Aussie!

    So don't worry Renilde!!


  12. Oh Renilde !

    ik heb de laatste tijd ook erg veel problemen met mijn post. Maar ze komen vroeg of laat wel altijd aan. Dus er is nog hoop. Hopelijk komt het pakje snel snel snel snel terecht !

  13. Oh Renilde so sorry! But lately I received a packet that I thought went lost, after a while I finally got it. So, be positive.

  14. oh wat rot. Ik vertrouw de post ook nooit helemaal, ze gooien met alles en af en toe belandt een pakketje van mij in braziliƫ in plaats van belgiƫ. Ik hoop voor je dat het met vertraging toch nog aankomt.

  15. My lost suitcase just turned up, so perhaps your package will as well. Hoping!

  16. i hope they've found it - your piece looked beautiful and the show promised to be beautiful!
