July 31, 2010
July 28, 2010
blue moon.
Fly spots turn brown on white and...
white on black.
That's an empirical conclusion :-)
I also made a Blue Moon mobile shooting last summer.
Sleep well.
July 24, 2010
Visit from Daan&Nathaly last week; he was wearing
my winterboots although the temperature was
near 30°C :-)
I think my solar cushion needs some extra rows.
Have a nice weekend!
July 20, 2010
Metropolis, 2
Again a few years later :-)

People sometimes ask me if I could give them any
advice about the materials I use, well, I buy everything
what I can find for a giveaway price in thrift stores
and flea markets, and friends often give me their remnants;
this series is embroidered with DMC, that is pretty
expensive, but I also used ordinary knitting cotton,
the threads are composed off 12 fine fibres and
you can pull them off the same way as you do with DMC,
and that makes it much cheaper!
The painting is Brueghel's Tower of Babel.
sorry again for that moiré effect; please double click.
July 18, 2010
July 13, 2010
The garden.
July 11, 2010
For Al, a white story.
I stay at home in my underwear and try to cool
down by sticking my head under the shower,
or in the kitchensink from time to time; that's
where a have met Al for the first time.
I dedicate this poem to him for he died from a broken
toe , unable to hunt anymore.
These images came popping up in my head after an almost
sleepless night, they only needed some editing to give
them sense, I think the poem is done now;
you might recognize some images of Dante's
famous Inferno and other stuff, but I guess that is
what automatic writing is, a mix of impressions and
thoughts, as in a dream.
here we go :-)
July 08, 2010
Some ships.
July 06, 2010
Camera obscura.
Funny tiny lightspots appear all over the
place on sunny days; I once have read in a
sciencebook for children that these bright discs are
formed by little holes in the leafage of a tree for example,
and that they're in fact projections of the sun; so, after
I was intoduced by this phenomenon, I started to
search for these spots everytime I had a walk in the woods,
however, to my regret, I have never met any on my
expeditions :-)
Now they come popping up with hundreds in my
appartment, thanks to my Wisteria, who acts, when the
sun is shining as a camera obscura.
I was working on some kind of smyrna-sun too this weekend,
with coloured solar spots , and if you look closer you can see
an unexpected protuberance too :-)
Illustration by Rob Marcelis.
The word in the middle means 'pyjama party'
Tomorrow sunny again,
Sleep well :-)
July 03, 2010
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