September 26, 2010

Some nightshots.

Some shots from last night before I went to bed:
my rubber boots,
the bathroom light,
a picture made by me when I was about twelve;
the black&white cat named 'Brandy, I can't remember
the name of the other one.
My camera was a plastic silvery little box I got
as a present from my uncle. Cool :-)

September 23, 2010

Boxes for the mobiles.

Made of trash.

September 22, 2010


The light was so gorgeous this morning so I first
took some photos before packing up the mobiles;
I miss them already :-)
Mieke and Veronik are in Amsterdam now, preparing
their pop-up store at studio IJM, can't wait to see it!!

Have a look too at Kathryn Clark's blog; she made a
very nice post about my work.
Thank you so much Kathryn!

September 21, 2010

Mobiles again.

My mobiles will be for sale this weekend in the
mieke willems pop-up store at studio IJM;
look here for more information.
Thanks a lot for your nice words on my previous
post :-)

September 20, 2010

Wormhole finished.

I'm happy the work is done now!

Goodnight :-)

September 18, 2010

Dark moon.

Black, dark grey, cream and natural.

Happy weekend everybody :-)

September 16, 2010

Blue, red and white and...

... Quimby :-)

This is my first mobile for the Mieke Willems
pop-up store project in Amsterdam; I had difficulties
catching the right colors, so I tried
some night and day shots; I took different tones
of blue and some bright reds, completing with
soft pink, cream, white and black.
The picture of the duel comes from my presscutting
box, love the configuration :-)

More mobiles to come soon!

September 13, 2010

I love Quimby!

I had a cute visitor last weekend while a was painting
these sticks, I think I will call him Quimby,
after Chris Wares' Quimby the Mouse :-)
look here too for the movie.
Besides this bold adolescent mouse, I had visit from
a grasshopper, few mots, a crane fly, a blowfly and some
spiders including one big diadem spider who really
gave me the creeps!
i hope this parade is coming to an end soon :-)



September 09, 2010

Lovely book.

I'm so happy with this embroiderie book!
A gift from Elianne :-)

September 03, 2010


The series is almost done now :-)
Happy weekend everybody!