February 02, 2014


I've never been in the Rijksmuseum in before, so this was the first time I saw Rembrandt's The Night Watch; what an adventure :)
the room was really packed, but that didn't bother me, on the contrary, there was a certain admosphere which was actually pleasing, so I stayed there quite some time looking at the painting and the people around.

picture 3&4 were at the William Klein retrospective exposition


  1. Fabulous! I've been there and it was packed then too - it makes it feel like you're all part of the painting, doesn't it? Nice photos Renilde. Kx

  2. ;^))
    ik ben ook nog nooit in het Rijks geweest
    binnenkort, binnenkort.....
    mooi de bijna kleurloze foto's


  3. great last image..the past, the present and the people.

  4. you're right Kylie & Alessandra, it was that strange feeling to be part of the painting; I had the same feeling when I looked at the townhouses along the canals, as if you may face any moment a person in black suit and a ruff around his neck! you imagine yourself in the golden age :)

    Patrice: veel plezier & kijkgenot in het Rijks!
