You may remember I made plans for a
well then, because of my touch of flu I couln't go out but,
I had oceans of time to look and read in this wonderful
book of
Derek Jarman's garden.
The garden and fisherman's cottage are located in the
south of England, Jarman bought the little house in 1986 and
called it Prospect Cottage.
The garden started accidentally: a driftwood staff was used
to stake a dog rose, flints protected the seedlings.
Over the coming year more beachcombed treasures were added.
I made a selection of photos from the book, i've chosen for the
close-ups, in case you like to see more views look
here .
Found also a
little movie.
Under this blue skymy clock-faced flowerbedsreflect the orb of the sun.They guard its risingand mark its settingin the western land.They never sleep.

Sea kale (crambe maritima)
I love this fairy-tale beauty :-)
Driftwood and bucket handle.
Sea kale in seed and in flower.
Sleep well everybody and thanks for your sympathy :)
I'm turning in now , tomorrow working day!