I went plant shopping with
Mieke the other day;
never thought I would ever buy a
Rhipsalis; it's not really
a favourite of mine and sometimes I think they can be depressingly
ugly; but I immediately fell in love with this specimen, maybe because
there's something very illogical about this plant;
he's even hairy, almost like spider legs, although he's not part of the
cactus family. Weird.
I also bought a
sedum, but it ended between my bicycle wheel during
our ride; you can see the result on picture two :^)
What about my other sedum, I think he too is not happy ,
its leafs are discolored and make me think a bit of chilblains,
they were
fresh green last year.
He may need more attention :)

But the weather was fantastic last week!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams.