July 15, 2012

The garden of Barbara, John & Eugène.

'Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week' says Joseph Addison

 ... and with the help of a beautiful garden full of wildflowers and some goodies to eat, the 'derusting' goes much more easier in my opinion :^)
Hope you had a nice sunday too!


  1. It looks absolutely brilliant fun!:)

  2. Hoe prachtig! Om elke dag tot rust te komen.

  3. Love that quote! Those plants are really interesting.
    Glad you had fun Renilde :) Kx

  4. wat een prachtige plek!
    en die kas
    mmm, beetje jaloers wel....

  5. What a wonderful wild garden!

  6. good for you! beautiful garden!
    they say that gardening should ease your mind and be relaxing, but!
    don´t you have roe deer, plant lice, snails, ants?
    i think my flowerbeds have been under constant thread of these creatures this summer. (believe me, it´s quite frustrating to wake up in the morning just to find out that what you planted yesterday has been eaten during the night. aargh!)
    yes, i know, i should change my attitude :)
    peace and love and understanding, yeah!

  7. the green house is just to move in :)
