The launch.
Two rockets and a star.

Inside my rocket.

Imaginary wormhole.
When i was a kid, i was completely terryfied
of the concepts of 'infinity' and 'eternal'.
As soon as i was in bed, i started thinking on
it and couln't sleep anymore.
This fear faded away with the years, but i have
to admit it had an enormous impact on my
life, and i can still feel the resonances :-) of it
from time to time.
Anyway my fascination for the infinite space
and the unknown is still alive.
The images of the sojoez-rocket were taken from the
today's newspaper when i had lunch at my work.
The other three are taken in my appartment,
the two embroideries form a part of the
'Wormhole' series, a work still in progress.
Our very amiable Frank De Winne will be the
Captain of the Ship, i wish him a good journey.