September 19, 2009

About Irish crochet.

I promised a friend to learn some Irish crochet,
but the problem is that i 've forgotten quite a
lot :-( . How to make the flowers and rosettes i
can easily find in books, but i have difficulties with
the leave-shaped forms , for it was more improvi-
I just need some time to do it over, and that is
exactly my problem, i have to many hobbies
and always lack of time :-).

Made an x-ray.
I found the description for this lovely Irish
crochet netting, it is looking more complicated
than it is.

At the point of turning the picot upside down,
it is coming below.

Have also a look here & here& here,
and for the Japanese readers here & here.
Good night.


  1. i adore these, they are so beautiful.
    good night, dear renilde :)

  2. this is so amazing, i want to learn how to crochet..........

  3. these are so beautiful - my crocheting is very improvisational - I wish I could do it from instructions.

  4. These are so pretty and reminds me of snow flakes! I love white!!
    Have a great weekend! oxox

  5. prachtig! haken staat ook op mijn verlanglijst. Zoek eigenlijk mijn oma en aangezien ze er niet meer is een andere oma die het geduld heeft me dat te leren ( als ik er nog een leven naast krijg zou dat helemaal geweldig zijn)

  6. Zo een vraagteken zet ik voortaan achter iedere belangrijke (en misschien moeilijke) vraag.
    Dit Ierse haken is zo veel meer dan het 'huisje-bloempje' haken waar we allemaal wel eens mee bezig zijn tegenwoordig. Prachtig gewoon!!!!

  7. wonderfully delicate

  8. wow, these are so lovely, really delicate and charming! and how kind of you to have added the links for Japanese readers!!!!!!!!

  9. oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear i love your blog!

  10. these are so beautiful and delicate and i love them ;)

  11. the leaves look wonderful, jewelry-like.

  12. Your Irish crocheting is delicate and lovely! I understand what you are saying about not finding time to focus on one thing - being interested in too many things - that is my great problem too.

  13. Wow, Renilde! I am fascinated with your talent! I make so many mistakes on the simplest things while I am learning to crochet. xoxo

  14. My what nimble fingers you have, the delicacy in all your work is breathtaking!

  15. wow, it looks crazy. I still fumble with ordinary croching.

  16. Hello , i discover your blog. Love your work, so nice!

  17. I like this! I visited Ireland about ten years ago and bought some crochet work for a friend. Quite lovely, but so time consuming to make!

  18. wow, so pretty. the netting is especially nice!

  19. Thanks for the pattern. It's beautiful. Your blog is so inspiring.

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  21. Bedankt voor het patroon! Ik heb er eerder overheen gekeken. Ik vind dit een prachtig stukje haakwerk!
    Ga het gauw proberen.

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