September 13, 2009

A second life for paper trash.

The lounge seventies-style was sponsored by the
WECK-company, who was also the supplier of
the wallcovering. All the other wrappings were
given by different anonymous firms.
By the way, i work in a shop with lots of china
and fragile cooking stuff...
... and i love paper wrappings, so i drag them into
my house whenever there is a new delivery.
The wall to wall carpet was made by myself and
is 100% wool.
Sleep well :-).


  1. haha very cLever i Love it! and i aLso love the carpet!

  2. haha :) geweldig!

  3. you're truly an amazing magician !

  4. wow don't they look like little furniture?
    your carpet is gorgeous!!

  5. to Hiki: yes, that's right, the first one is a free mini interpretation of Rietvelt's Zig-zag chair, and the other one is a lounge-chair, it still needs a small paper head rest and a footstool:-)

  6. those are nice wrappings and i love the carpet!

  7. zo inspirerend! jouw creatie op de eerste foto leek mij ook een bos of een plek met exotische bloemen (olifant zou ertussen kunnen verdwalen)
    en jouw tapijt: zo warm van kleur, een prachtig patroon. super om met deze beelden een week te starten.

  8. van niets IETS maken...hoe noemen ze dat? tante zje groetjes!

  9. wow. you turn trash in to very beautiful things:)
    paper is amazing. made out of trees. weird.

  10. hee reinhilde, ik kan ook niet goed zo'n dingen weggooien.
    heel goed gedaan. tot snel x v.
