The photo of my grandparents with me in between
was taken in the doorway by an unknown photographer.
It was a common use in the sixties, only few people had a camera.
I remember the whole scene very clearly, for a had
a violent argument just before the pic was taken.
This is what happened: i was about four years old i guess,
and staying with my grandparents, suddenly the bell
rang, it was an unknown with a camera round his neck.
My grandma agreed for a portrait.
I got ready to take off my apron ; having one's photograph
taken wasn't an everyday event and besides, there was
a little stain on it.
My grandma forced me to keep on the apron, i was frenzied.
The scarf, knotted in
Lucky Luke style was also her creation.
I felt like a secondhand cinderella :-(
This is my very first memory in full color: the apron was made
of synthetic material and pale orange,
it was rustling like a bread bag when moving.
The jacket was red, the scarf i don't remember.
My grandma's apron was from black cotton satin.
The strange object with the three woodworm holes is a knot.
My gran always had one in her pocket to cure her rheumatism.
The earrings are also a heirloom.
My grandpa was a shoemaker, they both runned their little shoeshop.
If you like to see my gran more friendly, look
here.The drawing is mine.