April 03, 2010

Easter 1962.

1962 was likely our very first Easter after my
parents moved into their new house; you can
see on the first image there was hardly any green
area yet and I wonder where my folks could have
hided our eggs!
Needless to say my sister and I didn't like the
photoshoot :-)
The white object on our Eastertable was a plastic
basket, containing the eggs I guess, I also remember our
soft yellow dresses.
The newborn baby is my brother; my dad is hanging
out the diapers while we have photoshoot on the meadow.

Happy Easter everybody.


  1. jullie zitten daar zo mooi tussen die twee boompjes. en blijkbaar hadden uw ouders ook zo'n klein klein zeteltje, net als wij ..
    mooie post. tot morgen , kom maar af met je verbrande paascake.
    xx v

  2. happy easter renilde, sweet memories!

  3. happy, bright easter, renilde!

    this morning i was looking back on my favorite games that we used to play when i was a kid :)
    it´s easier to remember things that have happened around the photo, don´t you think?

  4. I love it when you show your family photos Renilde :) Happy Easter! Kx

  5. pasen - het familieportret tussen twee piepkleine kerstboompjes
    de foto's stralen van familiegeluk

  6. amai Renild, dat is precies een klein Billy,een zalig pasen!zjé

  7. happy easter for you too!
    i adore old photos like this. they always tell their own story.
    hopefully your easter eggs were hidden in good hides and you also found them:)

  8. happy easter, fab photos! :-))

  9. Love old childhood photos and I am glad you shared yours (thanks) - so sweet you are in '62 :^)
