June 19, 2009

I love Sonia !

For some time, i was highly influenced by Sonia
Delaunay's textile designs. Luckily for me, i found
my own way after a while, but her work's still an
enormous refreshment when i feel the need of
charging up again. Her art radiates so much
vitality and joy that it makes me happy, just by
looking at it. Couldn't choose, so i posted a lot:)

Presentation at the Claridge Hotel, 1924

The poet René Crevel and the short story writer
Madame X (Jacqueline Chaumont) in costumes
for Tzara's 'Le Coeur à Gaz', 1923

Sonia, in a Chanel suit and wearing a scarf
of her own design, in front of various pictures
and drawings, around 1970.

Are you charged up again?
Anyway, i am, :)


  1. You are right, she's fantastic :)

  2. Swooning and so inspired for the morning! Thank you! xo

  3. love her work too and i need that book! thank you for the inspiration today x

  4. Brilliant wasn't she! Thank you so much for this- just like the above I am inspired for the day( at least)- ( and thank you for the kind commmets on my blog!)

  5. Wow! What a fabulous post - that was a feast! I feel so inspired too. I think I'm going to have to find that book too... they should give you a commission for the increase in sales! ;)
    Thanks for a great post! K

  6. thanks to you all for the nice comments!
    i was forgotten to mention the book, it is:
    'Sonia Delaunay, fashion and fabrics' by Jacques Damase.
    The other one with the patchwork on the front was bought in the textile museum of Tilburg, that is the Netherlands.
    have a nice day! have to go working now:(

  7. i really like the 5th image. such an inspiring lady.

  8. This looks so nice, I want this book.

  9. Lovely images!
    Thank you I got some energy to start a hard working day now!! (it's monday morning here in tokyo..)

  10. thank you for posting these. so brilliant! i especially love the 'le coeur a gaz' costumes, and the knitted swimsuit.

  11. There are so many wonderfully talented humans in this world. It's like getting a little peek into her head. Thank you.
