August 23, 2009

Sunday brainsnack.

I had again a lazy sunday, almost the whole after-
noon on my behind :-), drinking tea & listening
to some crazy stories, i'm afraid this is my favou-
rite pastime. No time for blogging.
So, this is the challenge: choose the right base
for the cube.
( to K. : you were wrong. )


  1. grrrrrrrr, i am already angry with myself because i don't know it after 3 minutes...
    i will take my tiredness as an excuse. i should sleep immediately and use the rest of my functioning brain capacity to take care about my gang of gangsters tomorrow!
    thank you for your very nice comment the other day, have a wonderful week.

    ha, brainSNACK!
    i will dream the solution!

    is it 8?

  2. Hei Renhild, mijn favorieten groeien met de dag en gij zijt de grootste!ik dacht nr 5

  3. oh nee! die weer. heb je het antwoord dan?
    nu ben ik benieuwd.
    ik zal zeggen tegen k dat hij nog even moet zoeken
    haha x

  4. OMG! Sooo out of my league! I'm going to ask my daughter... I'll be back! :) K

  5. I would think it should be no 8?
    I just found your blog a couple of days ago and I love your work, the tiny stitched things are amazing! do you sell them at all (maybe I'm just blind but I couldn't seem to find a link on your blog if you do...).

  6. aan Veronik: ja ik heb het antwoord en het is veel simpeler dan je zou denken.

    aan anonymous: ik breek mijn hersenen, maak je bekend of geef een hint.

    to chrristine: look at the links : mieke willems

  7. spijtig he kbennekik het mo zje... zou het misschien toch ni nr 1 kunnen zijn

  8. haha zjé! maar wat zijn die andere favorieten dan? tomaten?
    the solution is nr 8, very easy .

  9. dat snap ik toch niet goed, 8. dan kan het toch evengoed 7 zijn, niet?

  10. No idea what the answer is but thinking I wish I knew this game! Hope your weekend was great! xo

  11. nee, want dan zou de voorkant rose moeten zijn, het is echt heel simpel, als je het weet natuurlijk, ahum

  12. Looks like you had a great weekend. I like to have lazy weekend... taking nap, having a cup o tea at cafe, reading a book....

  13. Yippee - I've still got a brain - I got your brain snack right! I like the pin cushions - they are colourful yet simple - I like that style. Oh, and I wanted to say, those leather thimbles - when I broke my finger I had to wear something very similar - only mine was longer and covered most of the length of the finger...
