November 12, 2009

With and without.

My mom's seventies Dior.
Very convenient to do the finer embroiderie parts :^)


  1. beautiful! you wear them well. i doubt many people look as bad-ass whilst doing embroidery.

  2. How nice to see you Renilde!
    Looks like thick glass, cool I would say :)

  3. To Elisabeth: i only wear this monster when i'm alone,it is for Barbara that i'm making this exeption! And yes, the glass is very thick, i can't move with this thing on :)

  4. Ha! How fabulous darling! ;) Tres glamourous. We have so many frames in this house, you think I'd be able to find a 70s pair... but no! We do have vintage Theo at the shop, though no Christian Dior I'm afraid. Fun game - so nice to see you :) K

  5. wow, you wear the diors very well, you're quite pretty, hope you know that!

  6. well, hello! those are great.

  7. de jaren brengen wijsheid en bagage
    vertel niet dat je een bril draagt omdat je er de leeftijd voor hebt
    je draagt deze bril omdat die bijzondere inspiratie brengt
    je doet iets met de sporen die het heeft achtergelaten
    en hij staat je prachtig!

  8. leuk hoe een bril iemand helemaal verandert. Vervelend dat ik zo'n goede ogen heb, gewoon omdat het soms fijn is om een andere bril op te zetten. Voor slechte oren bestaan geen fashion statements, denk ik.

  9. Nice to see you. You are brilliant, make me laugh...those glasses reminds me of my childhood though.
    ciao bella!

  10. you are beautiful! your blog is beautiful! thank you for being so inspiring. how did you make the snowflake from come to darness? is it makramé? we also want to make such pretty little things!

  11. to 25mortonstreet: it is croched, the acorn also.

  12. Nice to meet you! Just recently I found my glasses from my childhood. I hated them back then. And now they are kind of cute, thick frames, helpless looking...

  13. I am loving them! You are too cute and so not old! ergh! xoxo

  14. that is quite a lady-like embroidery accessory you are sporting there. but one cool lady, that is :) very retro chic!

  15. hi there!
    those glasses!
    Très chic!

  16. nice to meet you renilde! coool!
